Sonnett 666
Haha... hittade mina gamla block från Australien. Denna sonnett skrev jag på några dagar när jag var speciellt arg på Judith Bevaredge (Maria, hette hon Judith, eller förvirrar jag mig?)
Performance anxiety
It should be shown not told, she shouts to them
A blackboard waits behind her bored with white
I listen to the sound the deaf condemn
Scared, yet intreagued by words eternal fight
Quickly, aloud, the shy read through their tale
words mean nothing when no truth is offered
And those whose face when reading don't look pale
have also failed since they haven't suffered
Do not fear, stories are built to be told
Try to listen, words are said to be heard
think not of how this story might unfold
this will keep your vision from being blurred
How many tales do we simply decline
while waiting for that unfound perfect line?
Performance anxiety
It should be shown not told, she shouts to them
A blackboard waits behind her bored with white
I listen to the sound the deaf condemn
Scared, yet intreagued by words eternal fight
Quickly, aloud, the shy read through their tale
words mean nothing when no truth is offered
And those whose face when reading don't look pale
have also failed since they haven't suffered
Do not fear, stories are built to be told
Try to listen, words are said to be heard
think not of how this story might unfold
this will keep your vision from being blurred
How many tales do we simply decline
while waiting for that unfound perfect line?
Postat av: Maria
Frågar du mig? Jag vet inte var min mobil är, var jag lade mina glasögon för 6 månader sedan, knappt mitt eget namn? :S
Postat av: Carina
hehe... Ajsee. Men då är vi iallafall 2 om saken. United we stand!
Divided we fall
Postat av: Maria
Förresten är min hud inte alls len! :( Den är übertorr och knölig i pannan. Men tack för pedistalsplatsen. den värmde!