Firefly revisited
I am very smart.
I went to the best medicate in Osirius
Top three percent of my class
Finished my internship in eight months
'Gifted is the term'
So when I tell you that my little sister makes me look like an idiot child
I want you to understand my full meaning
River was more than gifted, she was a gift
Everything she did,
music, math, theoretical physics, even dance
there was nothing that didn't come as naturally to her as breathing does to us.
Så presenteras River för oss i serien Firefly.
Ville bara säga det
I went to the best medicate in Osirius
Top three percent of my class
Finished my internship in eight months
'Gifted is the term'
So when I tell you that my little sister makes me look like an idiot child
I want you to understand my full meaning
River was more than gifted, she was a gift
Everything she did,
music, math, theoretical physics, even dance
there was nothing that didn't come as naturally to her as breathing does to us.
Så presenteras River för oss i serien Firefly.
Ville bara säga det